Giant monster squid washes up on beach in New Zealand

A casual morning dive for three brothers in New Zealand became an unexpected one when they stumbled across a monste
27 Aug, 2018

A casual morning dive for three brothers in New Zealand became an unexpected one when they stumbled across a monster giant squid as never seen before.

Daniel, Jack and Matthew Aplin, while driving along on the New Zealand’s capital city Wellington’s south coast came across a huge 4.2m long beached cephalod with giant tentacles.

“My brother said ‘what’s that over there?’ and pointed it out. It was right next to the track so we pulled over and we were like: ‘It’s a big squid’,” local outlet NewstalkZB quoted Daniel Aplin saying.

The trio informed that they had come across sharks while on their diving trips, but a squid of that size was something they had never seen before. The brothers called NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) who then arranged to have the unlikely find collected, reported Daily Mail.

One of the brothers described, “It was pretty clean, nothing major on it. There was a scratch on the top of its head but smaller than a lighter, tiny, wouldn’t think that’s what killed it.”

As per a Department of Conservation representative, the specimen was likely a giant squid, which are ‘not common but not rare’.

Moreover, the trio captured and uploaded some interesting pictures with the monster squid on social media, which caught attention of many, leading to some hilarious comments too.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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