Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Gwadar on Monday claimed to have seized 78 kilograms of foreign origin narcotics worth Rs 4.68 million. According to details, action was taken on a tip-off received from Saeed Akram, Collector of Customs that huge cache of foreign origin narcotics was going to smuggle from Afghanistan through Quetta on RCD Highway to Karachi and then abroad.
Reacting on it, Saeed Akram, Collector of Customs, Model Customs Collectorate, Gwadar constituted a team, which intercepted a vehicle bearing Registration No TKA-184 at the Khurkhera. Though the vehicle was empty, on suspicion the same was thoroughly searched and during checking the Customs staff recovered 78 kilograms of hashish worth Rs 4.68 million. The hashish was concealed in the upper body of the said vehicle.
Consequent upon recovery, two accused namely Gehram Khan S/o Rehyan and Nazir Ahmed S/o Raheem Dad have been detained with the vehicle and FIR has also been lodged. In another incident, the customs staff posted at Turbat Airport also foiled an attempt to smuggle 84 expensive mobiles. The value of seized goods is estimated to Rs 1.8 million. One person has been arrested and FIR has been lodged under the Customs Act, 1969.