Rangers Director General (DG) Major General Bilal Akbar on Monday assured traders of continuation of operation for peace. A seven-member delegation of All Karachi Traders Union led by Atiq Mir held a meeting with the Rangers DG and informed him about its security concerns in case the targeted operation is stopped. Rangers' spokesperson said that the meeting discussed security situation in the Sindh metropolitan.
DG Bilal Akbar assured the traders concerned that the paramilitary force would continue operation against criminals and violators of the law. The targeted operation would continue until conclusive end, he added. The trade body representatives lauded the force's efforts and role played to bring down the crime rate. The meeting took place at Rangers headquarters. Earlier, different trading bodies rallied and protested against Rangers cut in special powers after the Sindh government passed a conditional resolution in provincial assembly. The protesters had raised slogans in favour of the paramilitary force and demanded unconditional extension in their special powers to maintain law and order in the crime-stricken city.