KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak Saturday said that the promotions of teachers have been linked with their results and on failure of bringing improvement in performance; they will be sent home. In this connection, he said that more than 1400 teachers have already been terminated.
Addressing a public meeting in Azakhel Bala, district Nowshera he while highlighting the performance of the provincial government said that for giving practical shape to the slogan of change, they had worked day night for bringing legislation and reforms in institutions and get the people rid of the thieves and looters.
In this connection, he said they had introduced maximum and successful reforms for making police people-friendly and now the common man and poor will also get the same treatment, which will be for influential. He said that they had abolished political interference in the police force, but will never accept, the registration of baseless FIRs and threats and intimidations.
The police, the chief minister said have been given all powers and if any complaints come from anywhere that the police have not changed its attitude then he can even withdraw these powers from them. Similarly, he said remarkable reforms and measures have also been taken for provision of better facilities to people in health and other social sectors, which will bear visible change in the near future.
The chief minister told that latest and modern technical university of the country is being established in Nowshera, whose graduates will not have to beg for employment due to the high standard of education and employment will have to chase them. He said that a modern medical complex will become operational in Nowshera soon to provide treatment facilities of every disease while the construction of Nowshera Medical College is also in last phases of completion. He said that work on the construction of higher secondary school is in progress while the establishment of a Rural Health Centre at Talao has also been approved.
For protecting the plain areas of the risk of flood in streams, the projects amounting to Rs 180 million have been approved and construction work on them will start soon. He said that other schemes relating to the constructions of roads, streets and nullahs will also be completed in the tenure of the present government.