Pakistani celebs lash out at critics for Anam Tanoli’s suicide

04 Sep, 2018

On Saturday Pakistani model Anam Tanoli was found dead at her residence in Lahore. Police sources have disclosed that the model committed suicide and was found hanging from her ceiling fan.

As per reports Anam was going through severe depression as she was facing cyber bullying on the internet regarding body shaming and her profession. Many of the Pakistani celebrities have raised their voices after the tragic death of the 26-year-old model.

Actress Mawra Hocane felt desolated when she spoke to a close friend of Anam. Mawra took to her Instagram handle and said, “I spoke to a close friend of hers who told me how deeply she was affected by social media trolling & bullying at work. She was suffering from depression & the world was ruthless regardless”.

RIP - Anam Tanoli I didn’t know her personally but I’m devastated that a young beautiful girl succumbed to the bullies around her. I spoke to a close friend of hers who told me how deeply she was affected by social media trolling & bullying at work. She was suffering from depression & the world was ruthless regardless. I wish she was stronger but I also wish that we were kinder , all of us. Be on a watch, anyone around us could be suffering from depression & your words can take someone’s life. I’m sorry #AnamTanoli on behalf of everyone who pushed you take such a step. My condolences & love to the family! P.s we may be out here for you on social platforms but we are just like you. we get hurt, we break but we endure & put the broken pieces together to run another show for all of you. Be kind, it won’t cost you a thing, Please be Kind & considerate & compassionate for others & their hearts! #RIPAnamTanoli It is about time we treat depression as an illness so we can comfort the ones suffering, atleast. Seek medical help without reluctance. Please don’t be afraid of the society, protect yourself first!

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Not only Mawra but Armeena Khan who is also a victim of cyber bullying also stood up in support for Anam and wrote on Twitter, “I wonder what could possibly have driven a talented young girl like that to take her own life. R.I.P”.

Talking about model's death, actor Imran Abbas also took to his Instagram and said that people's bad joke also affects actors. "This young 26 years model found dead (hung) and nobody knows the reason . In our society it's so convenient to slut-shame an actress and model, scoff at anyone for any rhyme or reason. Making jokes about people who’ve committed suicide does not make you a comedian. It is not dark humor, it is condemn-able humor".

Mental illness isn’t a joke.. Please dont look down to people suffering from depression, mental ailment, stress and anxiety. This young 26 years model found dead (hung) and nobody knows the reason . Before judging anyone or making fun of someone (specially who is deceased and who can't explain/ clarify her/himself) we must look around and try to be nice to people who are suffering from the circumstances which can lead a person to suicide( which certainly is one of the most forbidden acts in our religion) . In our society it's so convenient to slut-shame an actress and model, scoff at anyone for any rhyme or reason. Making jokes about people who’ve committed suicide does not make you a comedian. It is not dark humor, it is condemn-able humor. As a nation hell-bent upon reforming ourselves, we should really do some collective introspection.  #anamtanoli .

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Singer Momina Mustehsan said that bullying is never okay. Let’s please all shun bullying and hate speech.

This is a picture of me from when I was going through turmoil not very long ago. It happens to the best of us. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and we all hit points in our lives sometimes when all seems to be falling out of our control. Dear Anam, I’m sorry you had to give up. I’m sorry I didn’t understand the intensity of how much you were hurting. I know you were trying your best to be positive and you were a champ. I was super proud of how far you had come in the 9 years I had known you and the person you had grown to become. I swear you had the strength to keep fighting back, staying strong, and standing tall. But you just needed to hear more of that from the people around you, a little more often. I’m so sorry.. I know how it feels when you hit a point so low that it makes you feel like giving up. We all know that feeling. Every single person is fighting their own battle from behind the face we put up for society to make it look like all is under control. Fortunately or unfortunately, with the growth of social media, random people’s uncalled-for opinions and hate speech make their way to us. Now more than ever, we need to learn to love and value ourselves, and KNOW our own selves and our own worth, so that peoples opinions of us don’t get to us and impact our perception of ourselves. For the trolls: Let people be. Give them the right to be human sometimes. Give them the liberty to make those occasional mistakes. Because without that, no one can ever learn or grow. Reflect and focus your energies on fixing and working on yourself more than scrutinizing, judging and putting others down. Let’s please all shun bullying and hate speech. When you see it happening to someone, please stand up for them and make it stop. Build each other up, don’t be a bystander watching someone being tormented. #BullyingIsNeverOkay

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Fashion Designer Rizwan Beyg also expressed his feelings of sorrow as he said, “I am ashamed Anam and sorry I was silent at the injustice you faced at the hands of the fraternity I am part of. Rest in peace Anam because I certainly cannot”.

“I never knew Anam or worked with her but the awful stories surrounding her suicide are a wakeup call for all those of us who still have a conscience and some shred of humanity left,” Beyg said of the bullying that prevails in showbiz.

Earlier, Tehreek-e-Insaaf’s Presidential nominee, Dr Arif Alvi, has called for a 24/7 depression helpline. Taking to Twitter, Dr Alvi wrote, “Model Anam Tanoli commits suicide in Lahore. Millions of people especially women under different socio-economic pressures face depression and some commit suicide. Psychiatric help should be readily available including a 24/7 helpline.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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