Message from Member (Customs), FBR

26 Jan, 2016

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming many aspects of world's economies, governments and societies. The inherent potential of modern ICT have grown exponentially because of continuous development in cyber-physical systems, data processing and human-machine interface. Developing countries, in particular, have a lot to benefit from these advancements. Many developing nations are making the most of ICT advantage to modernise institution, both public & private, for efficient service delivery and catalyse economic development. Pakistan and too has its own success story to tell.
On the occasion of International Customs Day, celebrated all over the world by customs fraternity on 26th January, Pakistan Customs finds many reasons to rejoice, particularly when it can well relate to this year's theme ie 'Digital Customs'. The present stage of Pakistan Customs automation took years of sustained efforts and meticulous adherence to the roadmap for achieving Digital Customs outlined in WCO's Revised Kyoto Convention. Pakistan Customs merits commandment on successful launch and country-wide roll-out of indigenously developed WeBOC (Web Based One Customs) software for automated clearance of import, export and transit cargo.
To make good use of the occasion, I would also like to thank a host of International Development Partners in Particular the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USID, JICA, UNODC, DFID, GIZ, IFC, etc who have stood shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan Customs, in actualizing the spirit of current International Customs Day ie'Progressive Engagement'. Without the technical and material support of development partners, it would have been difficult for us to attain the present level of advancement.
In the end, I would like to congratulate all officers and officials of Pakistan Customs on this special day and hope that the department will continue its resolve to achieve revenue targets, facilitate international trade and passenger traffic besides effective interdiction of illicit trafficking.

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