I, extend my warm felicitations to all officers and officials of the Pakistan Customs on the occasion of the International Customs Days which is celebrating every year by the Customs community across the globe. The Brussels based 177 members World Customs organisation is celebrating its 64th anniversary this year. Pakistan Customs play a vital role in economic development through efficient targeted controls and the facilitation of legitimate trade. In the prevailing scenario, securing global trade requires international cooperation and co-ordination amongst governments and trade bodies, as well as with other members of WCO. This year's theme of "Digital Customs: Progressive Engagement" an inclusive approach for connecting stakeholders underscores the importance of progressive engagement, cooperation and co-ordination.
The international trade practices have under gone a major change in the globalise economy. This change has brought significant change in Customs Operations and its role in the changed scenario. Customs apart from being a revenue collecting agency is also responsible for facilitating the trade and protecting the society. All the objectives of a vibrant Customs Administration can only be achieved if there exists a strong and positive partnership and a shared vision between Customs and the Businesses involved in the International trade and International supply chain.
Pakistan Customs has always remained in the forefront of liberalisation and rationalisation of the trade regime and procedures in supporting government's initiatives to facilitate and enhance trade with international partners. The ongoing restructuring of tax administration and automation of Customs procedures, in line with international best practices, will go a long way in integrating Pakistan's economy with the global economy and harnessing fruits of globalisation.
In such an environment, the task of customs agents is highly important in helping the government to achieve an appropriate balance between trade facilitation and regulatory control. They provide this service with high professional standards and ethical behaviour vis-à-vis their customers and Customs.
The Karachi Customs Agents Association is especially grateful to Pakistan Customs in general and WCO in particular for keeping us on their top agenda of training and learning. I wish to convey my best wishes to the Pakistan Customs on the International Customs Day.