Political administration of Kurram Agency has sentenced three accused involved in murder of personnel of Levies Force to a collective imprisonment of 126 years, besides imposition of a combined penalty of Rs 1.5 million and the payment of the equal amount to family of the victim as compensation.
Levies Force personnel Abdul Khaliq was murdered after snatching of official gun from him in Sadda on August 7, 2015. Several persons were arrested in connections with the case and investigation to the incident was initiated.After detail investigation, the crime of the murder of Levies Force personnel was proved against three persons including Ghafoor Khan, Rahim Gul and Omar Jan. On proving of murder case, District Magistrate, Political Agent Kurram Agency, Amjad Ali Khan sentenced Ghafoor Khan to 52 years while Rahim Gul and Omar Jan were sentenced to 37 years each rigorous imprisonment.