Vice Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday alleged that the government did corruption worth billions of rupees in Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), not the employees. While talking to media persons, he announced to launch protest against the government in solidarity with the alleged victimised Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees and he termed the protesters innocent.
Shah criticised the government for imposing 38 percent tax on gas despite the crisis. The ruling party is confusing the people by propelling opposing statements. He dubbed Rs 5 cut unjust on petroleum products' prices owing to foreign loans. Qureshi did not spare NAB as well. He criticised the National Accountability Bureau performance saying that it should net big fish. Several non-state actors are instigating extremist acts in the country in context of which, Uzair Baloch has revealed a lot of facts, he added. Shah Mehmood demanded law enforcement agencies to stretch circle of investigations in this regard. He also urged the government to increase pressure on India over Kashmir issue. Qureshi also welcomed inauguration of Pakistan Super League (PSL) in Dubai.