Skype app for Android now allows call scheduling

08 Feb, 2016

The Skype app for Android smartphones now allows users to schedule calls. To do so, tap on the person you plan to call and then tap on the menu on the upper right to select "Schedule a call." The event is then stored in Outlook or in other calendar apps with a Skype link in the description of the event.
When the scheduled time arrives, recipients click that link in their calendars to launch Skype and join the conversation. The feature is also available in Skype's iOS app.
Another feature of the latest Android version of the video call and messaging app is the ability to open Microsoft Office documents such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets.
Now, if a user receives a document during a conversation, they just have to tap on it to open it (assuming they have Office apps for Android installed on their phone).
The latest version of Skype can be downloaded from the Android Play Store.

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