Accepting an application of former army chief and president Pervez Musharraf for an early hearing of his plea regarding permission to go abroad, the apex court on Thursday fixed the case for March 15. A three-member judge bench led by the Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali, comprising Justice Amir Hani Muslim and Justice Khiliji Arif Hussain will take up the petition of Musharraf seeking one time visit to abroad for treatment of a long-time spinal ailment.
On March 08, a Special Court trying Musharraf under high treason charges asked him to record the statement to disprove the charges on March 31 in Islamabad. In February 26, Musharraf' counsel Faisal Chaudhry had invoked the Supreme Court jurisdiction seeking directives for the concerned quarters to get permission for his client's medical visit abroad.
Substantiating his plea, Chaudhry submitted a number of medical reports including X-rays, CT scans and an MRI conducted in April 2014, showing an acute problem in Musharraf' spine. Such reports disclosed that as per medical reports of various tests on February 24 and 25, Musharraf needs emergency surgery for vertebral fracture and avoid serious complications.