Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Elementary Education, Energy and Power Muhammad Atif Khan has directed the authorities concerned of the Energy & Power Department (E&PD) to take practical steps for ensuring cheap and indigenous electricity to the Industrial Estates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from various Power Houses operated by E&PD at the earliest so as to eradicate poverty and unemployment from the province by developing the industrial sector.
He issued these directives while chairing a meeting on provision of cheap and indigenous electricity to the Industrial Estates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from various Power Houses operated by E&PD at Peshawar the other day. The meeting beside others was also attended by the Secretary E&P Engr Naeem Khan, Chairman KPEZDMC Ghulam Dastagir, Chief Planning Officer E&PD Syed Zainullah Shah, CEO KPEZDMC Mohsin Syed, CEO PEDO Akbar Ayub and CEO KPOGCL Razi-ud-Din.
The meeting thoroughly discussed different aspects of provision of cheap and indigenous electricity to the Industrial Estates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from various Power Houses operated by E&PD and made certain decisions in this respect.
The meeting was told that the E&PD would have 56.6MW electricity by October 2016 which would be provided to the Industrial Estates of the province.
The meeting also discussed plan of action for utilisation of 100 mmcfd of gas for power generation to ease burden on national grid as well as get rid of load shedding. It was decided in the meeting that Federal Government would be asked for early payment of arrears of Pehur Hydel Station amounting to Rs 974 Million besides contacting the Ministry of Water and Power for bringing Wheeling System of electricity for the industrial sector. It was also decided that its future utilisation within the province would be based on plan to be received from KPEZDMC.In his brief speech, the E&P Minister said that poverty and unemployment was the basic issue of the province and it could not be resolved without industrialisation adding that the PTI was focusing on this important sector. He directed the authorities concerned of E&PD to devise a comprehensive and viable plan for best utilisation of God gifted natural resources like hydel, hydrocarbon, oil and gas for benefit of the masses so as to bring real change in their life as per commitment of the PTI.