Model Customs Collectorate, Gwadar has claimed to have seized huge quantity of smuggled goods worth Rs 12.7 million from two passenger buses at Bawani area. According to details, Collector MCC Gwadar Saeed Akram had received the information that some unscrupulous elements were planning to smuggle huge quantity of goods from Quetta to Karachi in the guise of passenger buses.
Reacting on it, he has constituted two teams for stiff vigilance on said route. After three days strict surveillance, they have intercepted two passenger buses bearing Reg. No LOK-287 & No GE-555 and recovered huge quantity of contraband goods worth Rs 12.7 million.
Meanwhile, official sources said that MCC Gwadar has foiled a smuggling bid near Bawani area and intercepted two passenger buses, which were taken to Customs house Gaddani under logistic support of FC Escort. After cursory search, the staff recovered huge quantity of Indian Origin Gutkha, Foreign Origin Cigarettes, Electronic goods, Menthol Crystal, Generators, tyres and others, which were concealed in the especially designed cavities in the buses. They said that total market value of the seized goods was Rs 12.7 million and the value of passenger buses taken into custody was as Rs 10.4 million. Total value of is Rs 23.10 million. They said that FIRs had been lodged and efforts were being made to arrest the culprits.