MQM's dissident Anees Qaimkhani Friday announced the launch of main office of Mustafa Kamal's political party in Hyderabad next week. "We are going to Hyderabad next week to inaugurate our main office there," Qaimkhani, a close aide of Mustafa Kamal, told media persons in Karachi on Friday. "Apart from taking wickets in our pressers, we will also speak on the issues being faced by the masses," he said. Qaimkhani and Mustafa Kamal returned Karachi from Dubai last month and launched their nameless party. To a question, he said that Mustafa Kamal would formally announce the name of his party on March 23.
He further said that a major rally would be held by mid-April. "After Hyderabad, we will take our campaign to interior Sindh and other parts of Pakistan," Qaimkhani said.