Federal Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Ahmed said that former President Pervez Musharraf submitted a written assurance about his return to Pakistan after treatment. "Our opponents had launched criticism when some ministers gave statements against him (Musharraf). It was being said that ministers wanted to create a wedge between the government and the defence forces," he recalled.
"But now when the government had removed the name of Musharraf from the Exit Control List after the court's orders, the same people were again criticising the government," he said. He said that Pervez Musharraf had promised before the courts that he would come back after his medical treatment. "Musharraf was an irritant. Our focus was on working for betterment of the nation," he added. To another question about the statement of Pakistan People's Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the minister said he would comment on his statements when he (Bilawal) would be a grown-up.