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Litigation cases: KP Health Department to hire services of law firm

21 Mar, 2016

Keeping in view bulk of litigation cases pending in various courts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Department has decided in principle to hire the services of a proper law firm to pursue and speedily dispose of such cases.
A proposal to this effect will soon be moved for the approval of the competent authority. This was decided in a meeting of the high-ups of health department held here the other day with the senior minister for Health Shahram Tarakai in the chair.
Besides, Secretary Health, Abid Majeed and Director General Health Services Dr Pervez Kamal the meeting was also attended by all the project directors of the programs/ projects running under the department and other high-ups of the department.
The first formal meeting of the department soon after the new secretary took charge of his office, discussed threadbare various issues impeding the smooth flow of the operational matters of the department and better service delivery to the masses and a number of important decisions were taken to resolve such issues.
Various Information Technology (IT) interventions were cleared for implementation in the department for effectively resolving the issues confronting its better performance which include e-office (paperless office) initiative supplemented by online file tracking system at secretariat level, e-complaints and redressal system based on Web Application and SMS at both secretariat and directorate level, software for HR, procurement, disease surveillance and online inventory for medicines and equipment, bio-metric attendance to be extended to the grassroots level healthcare facilities and redesigning of the web page of the department with RTI portal for proactive disclosure of maximum information to the general masses.
Besides developing a proper communication strategy for the department the meeting also decided to include additional indicators in the District Health Information System (DHIS) and Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU) for timely sharing factual and relevant data with the decision makers to enable them make informed decisions.
It was also decided in the meeting that instead of individual programs like MNCH, EPI, LHW and TB control etc the integrated Healthcare program will be strengthened. Vehicles of the department in the field to get tracking chip system to avoid its misuse were another decision taken in the meeting.
Regarding the procurement of medical equipment for hospitals the meeting decided that before procurement the concerned hospital would certify the availability of required staff, infrastructure and power supply so that dumping of equipment could be avoided.
Matters related to Medico-legal ward at LRH also came under discussion and it was decided to shift the ward to Police and Services Hospital subject to the approval of the competent forum. The chair directed the concerned quarters to display all the data of the Social Health Protection Initiatives of the provincial government on websites for the consumption of the public and thus ensure utmost transparency in the scheme.

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