Government has accepted our demands: cleric

31 Mar, 2016

Ashraf Asif Jalali, one of the protest's main leaders, told reporters at the protest site Wednesday evening: "As a result of the continuous four-day sit-in, the government has accepted our demands." "Nobody involved in blasphemy against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) will be given concessions, whether they be Asia Bibi or anybody else," he added.
He added that the government had also agreed to not make any changes to blasphemy law. "We were about to give orders to law enforcement agencies for clearing the area but then two religious personalities intervened." The minister added that the protesters then decided to leave on their "own accord". A police source said more than 7,000 security forces were poised to clear the sit-in, including the paramilitary Rangers and Frontier Corps with reinforcements from the Punjab police, while army troops guarded key government buildings.

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