Khamenei says missiles, not 'negotiations' key to Iran security

31 Mar, 2016

Iran's supreme leader said Wednesday that missile power was key to the country's future security, slapping down moderates who say the focus should be on diplomacy. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say in all matters of state in Iran, praised the powerful Revolutionary Guards for their "show of advanced and precise missiles" in recent tests that drew Western criticism.
"In this jungle-like world, if the Islamic republic seeks negotiations, trade and even technology and science, but has no defence power, won't even small countries dare threaten Iran?" Khamenei said in remarks published on his official website. "Our enemies are constantly enhancing their military and missile capabilities and given this how can we say the age of missiles has passed?" His comments appeared aimed at ex-president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a senior leader of the reformist and moderate camp, who last week tweeted: "Tomorrow's world is the world of dialogue not missiles."

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