F-16s: Zardari concerned over US refusal to subsidise deal

06 May, 2016

Former president Asif Ali Zardari on expressed concerns the other day over the US refusal to finance the sale of F-16 aircraft to Pakistan. Last week, the US Congress declined to finance the sale of F-16 precision strike aircraft to the Pakistani military by withholding the Foreign Military Funds. "The fact that we have not received the US funding for this important programme is very concerning and needs to be addressed," the Pakistan People's Party co-chairman said in a statement.
Zardari said that he supported the acquisition of F-16 fighter jets so that the Pakistani military could increase its precision strike efforts against terrorists. "The military has improved its ability to combat terror and should have the tools it needs to continue to advance against those who want to harm our people," he added. Zardari said the security relationship between the United States and Pakistan had always been a high priority of the Pakistani government regardless of which party had been in power. "I was proud of the relationship my government had with the United States and felt our strategic security interests were aligned. I offer my full support to Pakistan toward renewing a more positive and constructive relationship with the United States," Zardari said. "Throughout my public life I have developed strong relationships in Washington with lawmakers and influencers and I commit my network to helping to ensure that our national goals are achieved," he added.-PR

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