Survey teams to collect estimates of losses in Waziristan

08 May, 2016

The political administration of South Waziristan Agency and Pakistan Army has announced dispatching joint survey teams to Makeen and Kaniguram areas to collect estimates of losses and their compensation with immediate effect. Survey teams to these areas will be dispatched in next few days, which will be followed by initiating steps for the rehabilitation and provision of employment to the people of the area.
This was announced by Political Agent, South Waziristan Agency, Zafar-ul-Islam Khattak while addressing tribal elders and affectees of the Operation Raah-e-Nijat in Makeen and Kaniguram areas of the agency. Besides, Colonel Imran and other military officers, the representatives of United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and other public sector organizations were also present on the occasion.

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