K-Electric consumers: Nepra approves Rs 3.86 cut

11 May, 2016

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Tuesday approved a reduction of Rs 3.86 per unit in power tariff for the consumers of K-Electric under fuel adjustment surcharge for the month of March. It was decided in public hearing which was held under the chairmanship of Chairman Nepra, Tariq Saduzai. While hearing of the case regarding reduction in electricity tariff for K-electric, Nepra chairman informed the participants that K-electric saved Rs 420 million through electricity generated by local sources and through external sources cost Rs 370 million additional.
He remarked as why K-electric was not increasing power generation through local sources as it was much cheaper as compared to external sources. Power consumers with up to 300 units per month will have no benefit of the reduction in tariff while consumers using above 300 units per month will get relief.

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