Punjab Assembly condemns execution of Bangladesh JI emir

12 May, 2016

Punjab Assembly in its session here in its 21st session Wednesday passed a resolution condemning hanging of Bangladeshi Jamaat e Islami Amir Motiur Rehman Nizami. The resolution stated that religious leader was hanged by Bangladesh Tribunal influenced by India. The unanimously passed resolution stressed upon the government to take issue of hanging of Bangladeshi religious leader in UNO and other human rights organisations. The resolution asked for taking Muslim countries along on the issue.
In the session there was lying of ordinance 'The Punjab Agriculture, Food and Drug Authority Ordinance 2016' and introduction of bill.' 'The Punjab Local Government Fourth Amendment Bill-2016'. In the query period minister responding to a question stated that there were six fruit and vegetable markets in Lahore. These were: Fruit & Vegetable Market Ravi Road (211 shops), Under Construction Vegetable Market Kacha (407 shops), Vegetable &Fruit Market Multan Road (245 shops), Vegetable & Fruit Market Singh Pur (58 shops), Vegetable and Fruit Market Jallo (23 shops) and Vegetable& Fruit Market Raiwind (100 shops).
Minister stated all matters related to fertiliser came under the purview of the federal government. He stated that in year 2015 a total of 242 FIRs were registered on crimes related to fertiliser. He said 48 persons were arrested in this connection. Agriculture Minister to a query dilated that in Punjab Agricultural Productivity Markets Ordinance 1978 along with 1979 laws was in force. Minister to question said Agricultural University Faisalabad was complying with standards, regarding induction of teachers of HEC. The house was later adjourned by the chair.

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