Tension persists on Torkham border

12 May, 2016

Tension on the Torkham border continued on second day, as the border was remained close for all kind of movements here on Wednesday. Dozens of long wheels trailers and thousands of pedestrians including women and children were stuck on both sides of the border, administration sources informed.
Long queue of passengers and goods' trucks witnessed on Landi Kotal-Torkham Highway. All the merchandise activities were halted on the border and maximum number of business centres in Pak-Torkham side closed due to uncertain situation, traders said. Last day, after suspension of border, the Afghan forces deployed extra troops on the advance positions and moved armoured vehicles to the border. In reaction, the Pakistani security forces also reinforced and transported tanks to the border to avoid any untoward incident, security forces sources said.
Tension erupted on the border between Pakistan and Afghan security forces on Tuesday over fencing issue on the Pakistan side Torkham border with intention to curtain entry of miscreants and militants into Pakistan and the Afghan border security force stopped them of fixing barriers. The Pakistan officials were of the view that till resuming of installing of boundary-maker work, the border would remained close.

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