Army to train new cops: Sindh Apex Committee approves recruitment of 20,000 policemen

13 May, 2016

The Sindh Apex Committee has decided to recruit 20,000 policemen in the province, who would be trained by Pakistan Army. The Committee's meeting held here under the chairmanship of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Thursday at Chief Minister House which discussed strengthening of Sindh police for sustainable peace in Karachi
The committee expressing its satisfaction on the current situation decided to develop new strategy to make the peace in the city sustainable. For which the chief minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah approved the appointments of 20,000 policemen, including 8000 in Karachi.
Corps Commander Lieutenant General Naveed Mukhtar said that he would make necessary arrangements to train the new force by Pakistan Army. The meeting was attended by Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ibad, provincial ministers, Corps Commander Karachi Lieutenant General Naveed Mukhtar, Acting chief secretary Rizwan Memon, DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar, Principal Secretary Alamuddin Bullo, IG Sindh AD Khwaja and others.
After discussion and deliberations the committee emphasised on the need of making the restored peace in Karachi sustainable for which it was decided that Sindh police would be strengthened. DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar and IGP Sindh AD Khwaja gave presentations on the performance of their forces and also highlighted issues and challenges. The apex committee developed new strategy to address these issues and face the challenges.
It was pointed out that there was reduction in target killing, kidnapping for ransom and extortion cases. The figures quoted in the presentation said that the cases of terrorism and target killing had reduced by 80 percent. In 2013 there were 80 to 100 target killing incidents every month but now hardly any incident takes place. Similarly, the cases of extortion have been reduced by 85 percent and kidnapping for ransom by 90 percent. In 2013 some 1774 cases of kidnapping were reported and in the first five months of 2016 only 13 cases were registered.
The meeting was told that when the operation against Chhotu Gang was launched in Punjab the Sindh Rangers carried out extensive checking on the borders of Sindh-Punjab and Sindh Balochistan. Check posts were also set up along the River Indus from where penetration of terrorists was expected. On this the committee appreciated the efforts and spirit of Pakistan Rangers.
It was noted that due to restoration of law & order in the city the prices of property in Karachi increased by 23 percent. The sale in the markets of Karachi during last Ramzan jumped to Rs 70 billion, sell of national flags and buntings on August 14 was worth Rs 5 billion and trade & industry was flourishing.
The chief minister told the committee that the establishment of new 10 ATC was almost at the final stage. "We are going to establish six ATCs at Central Jail Karachi and their buildings would be ready by the mid of June 2016 and they would start functioning from July 1, 2016," he said and added that the Sindh High Court had assured his legal team that they would appoint judges for the 10 new ATCs by the time.
The chief minister also informed the meeting that he had approved the appointment of 200 prosecutors. He on the insistence of the committee directed law minister to explore the provision of appointing them as soon as possible at least for initial six months and by the time the SPSC would finalise their appointments. "I would not allow any appointment on recommendation but this must be done purely on merit," he said.
The committee taking another decision gave go ahead to IGP to upgrade its GSM of 2G locators to the level of 4 G locators. He pointed out that the federal government was reluctant to give them NOC for purchasing other 4G GSM locators for which the chief Minister, Governor and Corps Commander assured to use their good offices to equip Sindh police with latest gadgets.
The IG said that the installation of new CCTV cameras of 10 MP would cost Rs 1.76 billion. For the purpose the committee allowed the IGP to work out the issues with secretary Finance under the guideline of chief secretary. The government was committed to provide CCTV to Sindh police in the city. Finance Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah said that he would issue necessary directives to his department to arrange funds for police. The meeting was informed that 8855 madaris had been registered and still registration of 1178 madaris was under process. It was also pointed out that over 10,000 ghost madaris had been unearthed through physical verification. This verification was made when 7724 madaris were geo-tagged.
The meeting taking another decision said that the Rangers check points set up at Sindh-Balochistan and Sindh-Punjab border would be provided necessary facilities and the other people of departments such as police, narcotics, excise, NADRA -for verification and such others would be given space there so that checking of every individual and vehicle could be made through electronic and digital equipments.
The meeting decided to strengthen Special Branch, CTD, trainings centers, Karachi police by providing them necessary equipments, vehicles, force, trainings and top of it the committee approved the compensation for policemen/member of LEAs killed in the line of duty at Rs 6 million plus two jobs for the victims family members.
The Apex Committee decided that the police would be strengthened in all intents and purposes. The chair approved the establishment of Benevolent & Welfare Board to provide necessary facilities to the policemen and their families. The committee meeting was also informed that the chief minister has approved PC-I to establish Forensic lab for technical evidence. The NADRA have also been requested to provide police access to the family tree of criminals. Now investigation has become a technical job and it must be traced through data base, the IG said.
DG Rangers major General Bilal Akbar told the meeting that he had developed National Action Plan (NAP) Software through which consolidated data of Larkana and Sukkur Divisions have been developed. In that data all madaris, NGOs, churches, Imambargahs, renowned criminals, proclaimed offenders and such others, which has very easy access and it has been verified through NADRA. He added that he was developing a similar software for Karachi and others divisions. He offered the Sindh police to have access to the software for ready references.
The meeting also decided to strengthen further intelligence system so that there should no forced collection of fitra and zakat during Ramzan. The Apex Committee also urged the IG to appoint special force for the security of Chinese working on the CPEC projects and on the other projects. Some 2000 force of ex-army men was being created. The chief minister also appreciated the collective efforts of Rangers, police, intelligence agencies and support of Corps Commander and Governor to implement NAP and make Karachi operation successful.

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