MQM former minister among three held in Hyderabad

16 May, 2016

Rangers on Sunday raided Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Sector Offices in Hyderabad, and arrested three senior party members, including a former provincial minister Syed Sohail Mashhadi.
According to reports, Rangers arrested party's Zonal Committee members Sohail Mashhadi, Rafique Ajmeri and Raheel Fahim on Sunday morning.
MQM said in a statement that Rangers also raided house of AMPSO Sector In-charge Ali Raza Vakil in the Cheetal Chari area of Hyderabad and arrested his father Muhammad Vakil.
"They also raided the house of former APMSO Sector Member Amir Khanzada in Guru Nagar. As he was not present at home, they also conducted a raid at the house of his brother," MQM said.
"Houses of MQM workers Naeem Chhipa and Shabbir Gaddi were also raided. All raids were conducted by Rangers without any warrant," MQM statement said. Those arrested have been shifted to undisclosed location for questioning.

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