CDA 'illegally' occupying 2,370 government residences

20 May, 2016

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is alleged to be solely in illegal possession of 2,370 government accommodations out of 2,880 which were initially notified as unidentified houses. This was revealed during a sub-committee meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Housing and Works on Thursday. The meeting convened by Rajab Ali Khan Baloch was told that 2,880 houses were notified as unidentified initially; however, the Ministry of Housing and Works started identifying every house and cleared status of almost 1000 houses.
Estate Officer Maqbool Khan told committee members, that status of 993 more houses was cleared and not more than 515 are on pending list. He also informed the committee, that according to the spot inquiry, the Pakistan Telecommunication Limited (PTCL) is occupying 126 houses even after being privatised, Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) 200, Police 391 and CDA 2,370 whereby the CDA is only authorised to get accommodation of 1,277 houses.
The status is related to the identification of houses irrespective of legality of who is the occupant. Deputy Secretary Estate Usman told the committee that the case was taken up with the CDA. Member Committee, Ghulam Sarwar Khan directed estate officers to provide a consolidated report, after completing the identification of 2,880 houses, with respect to the occupants' information.
Joint Secretary told the committee members that the rule related to designated houses is not clear as it does not cover the specific posts which can be accommodated. Tahira Aurangzeb, a committee member, raised eyebrows over the procedure of allocation of houses to anyone, as per her notice Ministry of Housing and Works even allocated house to the Minister's PRO, even though Supreme Court restricted such allocation. Deputy Secretary said it's a Minister's prerogative to allocate the designated houses and the PRO was allocated house a year ago.
He said Estate office has record but not computerised, because of which some issues occur but the department is working on data stream lining, and would soon make every detail online through website. The committee observed that the Ministry of Housing and Works has a total of 338 seats/posts, among which 116 seats are vacant. The Ministry is facing shortage of staff which is causing difficulties for the current staff.
The committee was also informed that the police doesn't co-ordinate and support them to get the illegally occupied houses vacant. The committee directed to summon Chief Commissioner and IG Police in its next meeting or otherwise the matter will be taken up with Interior Ministry.
As far as probing alleged illegal allotments to the officials of Ministry of Housing and Works including allotment to Estate Officer and Deputy Secretary (estate) is concerned, the committee observed that the documents of officers were not complete. The committee directed to get the documents completed so that eligibility as well as legality can be confirmed for both officials.

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