Partly Facetious: Where would MQM sit?

20 May, 2016

"So you reckon a technical knockout in favour of the PML-N!"
"Absolutely, but by definition a technical knockout in politics, at least Pakistani politics, is about delay and further delay - see our politicians know the attention span of their constituents."
"What do you think about the MQM wanting in and Dar fully supporting their representation in the committee to set the terms of reference for the judicial commission on two counts: MQM has greater representation than some other parties that are represented in the commission and Sattar has requested representation."
"So where would MQM sit: with the government or with the opposition?"
"The MQM has said it's not with the opposition on the matter and the government says it's a party sitting in the opposition."
"For a technical knockout in favour of the government, the MQM should sit with the opposition, for a non technical knockout in favour of the government the MQM given its stated neutrality should sit at the head of the table."
"What about a technical knockout in favour of the opposition?"
"Go on."
"That I cannot see happening, I can see a non technical knockout on the streets not in the parliament."
"Oh you are so bad; anyway Mian sahib is spending public money as if it is going out of style..."
"Public money would never go out of style with politicians."
"Don't be facetious anyway Musharraf opened the floodgates of development funds to win the 2008 elections and was soundly defeated; Zardari sahib did the same plus gave away development funds to politicians to ensure their continued support and relied on the Benazir Income Support Programme for votes but still lost."
"Ah, but Mian sahib is much more savvy - he not only is doing what Zardari sahib did but is also engaged in mega projects of the likes of the metro and..."
"What about Nandipur and the Model Town tragedy and last and also the least the Panama leaks."
"From your list I see why he favours his federal ministers over his brother... but why is Panama the least?"
"Blood is thicker than water and always will be for Mian sahib, though let's be honest the blood requires to be thinned off and on; anyway Panama is the least because there are no deaths involved, the financial decisions taken by the First Family are certainly not flawed from their standpoint, the...."
"But they are flawed from the point of view of the country!"
"Ask not what you can do for your country because they are liable to tell you."
"I prefer the proverb dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
"Don't be silly... not here... and before you respond know that dissent within a party is regarded as a disease in this country, whose umbilical cord was cut in the eighteenth amendment."
"Yes, there is that."

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