FPCCI, HCSTSI concerned over unannounced power loadshedding

20 May, 2016

The Chairman Standing Committee of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry on WAPDA Affairs, Abdul Sattar Khan has expressed his grave concern over the unannounced loadshedding by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company during sizzling weather. In a statement issued here on Thursday, Abdul Sattar Khan, who is also the Chairman Sub-Committee of Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Hesco said that the citizens of Hyderabad are striving against 48 Celsius scorching heat and the hours long unannounced loadshedding has crippled their lives.
He was also critical over the performance of Hesco, adding that power went off for over 20 hours in some areas of Hyderabad because of mild intensity dust storm five days back. The Hesco received huge grant for repair and maintenance of power supply cables and feeders but failed to ensure uninterrupted power supply during such minor storms, he added.
He said that the business community of Hyderabad is paying Rs 23 billion in respect of income tax, sales tax and excise customs duty and the government is earning 21 million US dollars because of exports of the products, but they have been deprived of the facility of uninterrupted power supply for their industries. He demanded the government to take notice of this injustice of Hesco and provide relief to the citizens and business community of Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, the office bearers of Hyderabad Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry have also expressed their grave concern over hours long unannounced loadshedding in Hyderabad, adding that the besides loadshedding, the supply of low voltage has made the lives of common people miserable during the current sizzling hot weather. In a statement, the President HCSTSI Muhammad Akram Ansari, Senior Vice President Sikandar Ali Rajput, Vice President Doulat Ram, Chairman HCSTSI Law and Order Committee Nadeem Siddiqui and others have demanded the management of Hesco to avoid unannounced loadshedding and supply of low voltages to consumers

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