FBR suspends two IR officers

25 May, 2016

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has suspended two Intelligence Officers (BS-16) of Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation (Customs) Regional Office, Karachi, who were allegedly involved in collecting extortion from business community by impersonating as officers of Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation Inland Revenue.

Sources told Business Recorder here on Tuesday that the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation Inland Revenue (IR) has timely taken the action and arrested the customs officers. These customs intelligence officers asked for money from different businessmen by saying that they were IR intelligence officers. This is for the first time that fraudster/swindlers have been caught red handed from the premises of a businessman. The action will go a long way in transmitting message to the swindlers/fraudsters that Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation-IR is awake and any fraudulent activity would not go unnoticed and unpunished. This would help in creating deterrence and extortionists would think of consequences before undertaking such nasty activities.

The agency has handed over the officers to its sister organisation and their parent agency ie Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation (Customs) for further action against them. Director General I&I IR is maintaining a very strict discipline across the country. The agency has also kept a content check on the working of their IR officers in the field formations. Such kind of incidents have prompted the authorities to further improve their surveillance and monitoring to avert such kinds of incidences in future. It is expected that the Customs intelligence would keep a check on the working of their officers in the field formations, sources said.

According to a notification issued by the FBR here on Tuesday, in exercise of powers conferred under Rule 5(1) of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, the Competent Authority has placed the following Intelligence Officers (BS-16) of Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation-FBR, Regional Office, Karachi under suspension for a period of three months with immediate effect -Jawaid Ahmed and Khurram Saeed, it added.

Details of the cases revealed that credible information was received that a gang of fraudsters in silver color Hilux Vigo bearing GP number plate and claiming to be employees of Sales Tax intelligence have entered the premises of an enterprise; one of them introduced himself as Javed Ahmed-Intelligence Officer and was demanding extortion money of Rs 100, 000/=. The Additional Director (HQ) immediately spoke to the complainant on mobile and asked him to make him speak to Javed Ahmed on phone. Javed Ahmed introduced himself as Sales Tax intelligence operative and prevaricated the queries put to him by the Additional Director (HQs). Complainant was immediately connected again and was specifically told that these people do not pertain to Sales Tax intelligence; in fact there is no Sales Tax intelligence rather Intelligence and Investigation-IR.

The complainant and his staff after knowing that these people were swindlers/fraudsters succeeded in pulling down the shutter of the godown wherein Javed Ahmed was ensnared inside the godown and five other people managed their escapade. Team of officers led by Naib Ali Pathan, Additional Director, Mujib Nasir- Assistant Director (Audit) and Saeed Khan, Auditor rushed to the site immediately. The team was in frequent and constant contact with the complainant before reaching the scene. The team reached the premises of the complainant; took safe custody of Javed and chased other swindlers but they fled the scene in adjacent street. The people, who gathered at the spot narrated on condition of anonymity that this team of fraudster under the garb of Sales Tax intelligence operatives frequently visits the area and demands huge amount of extortion money. People further narrated that this team also scuffles with the businessmen who do not succumb to their demand; they keep changing their transport; they use Land Cruiser & Vigo with GP number plates invariably.

Javed was brought to the Directorate of I&I (IR), Karachi for further probe and identification. He narrated that he belonged to Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation -FBR (ASO), he showed Official ID card duly stamped and signed. He divulged that he along with five accomplices namely Khurram-IO, Khuda Bux- Sepoy, Azam-Sepoy, Habibullah-Sepoy and Rajib-Driver usually visit various business premises. He conceded that with the intention to fleece some money, he and his accomplices use name of Sales Tax intelligence as businessmen easily succumb to the pressure.

In the meantime, Director I&I- FBR (ASO) was contacted in the matter and he recognised Javed Ahmed as one of staff members and requested to hand over Javed Ahmed to Directorate of I&I-FBR . The Director I&I-FBR (ASO) sent his team of officers led by Qasim Alvi-IO and Javed Ahmed was handed over to the team vide this office letter No 1402 dated 10-05-2016.

Such incidents are invariably reported from field; but no dependable evidence came to hold to substantiate the incurrence of such incidences. This is for the first time that fraudster/swindlers have been caught red handed from the premises of a businessman. Action against Javed Ahmed will go a long way in transmitting message to the swindlers/fraudsters that Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation-IR is awake any fraudulent activity would not go unnoticed and unpunished. This would help in creating deterrence and extortionists would think of consequences before undertaking such nasty activities.

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