Daily-wage teachers: Senate body seeks report in three weeks

25 May, 2016

Senate Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on Tuesday sought a detailed summary on daily wages lecturers and junior lady teachers of the federal educational institutions in three weeks from Ministry of Capital Administration and Development Division. Meeting of the committee was held in the Parliament House under the chair of Senator Talha Mehmood.
State Minister for CADD, Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry informed the committee members that confirmation of the teachers serving under Federal Directorate of Education is an important but complicated issue. Around 9,000 teachers have been working in the federal educational institutions while the daily wages employees are inducted only on need basis, he said.
The minister informed the committee members that his ministry has recommended for creation of some 2,300 new vacancies in the federal directorate; so that issue of confirmation of the daily wagers should be resolved. The Prime Minister House and Establishment Division have directed the CADD Ministry to fill the 2,000 vacant seats first, he said.
"It is not a routine matter to regularise all the daily wages school teachers because it first requires a scrutiny of all the teachers," he said, adding the teachers were inducted without any test or interview. Senator Kamil Ali Agha, however, said that if the daily wages teachers are not regularised before the upcoming budget, then the issue would continue to linger on till next budget.
The minister, however, said the government will not violate rules and regulations to regularise the teachers. The prime minister cannot regularise the teachers without giving an advertisement in media, he said. A delegation of the daily wages teachers informed the committee members that Federal Public Service Commission has already regularised 30 percent employees of the federal Directorate of Education while only 50 percent are still waiting for the decision.
"Around 80 percent daily wages teachers have been running the Islamabad educational institutions and their result has also been 87 percent," he said. Senator Talha Mehmood expressed his reservations over the minister's proposal of scrutiny, saying the scrutiny may allow the government to expel some capable teachers and induct some of their favourite. He urged the minister to devise a cogent strategy to regularise the teachers; so that the lingering issue could be resolved before announcement of the budget.
Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry said that a summary has been prepared and would be presented to the committee within three weeks. Separately, National Assembly sub-committee of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat urged the Capital Development Authority officials in a meeting to expedite development work in G-11 and G-12 sectors. The committee members were also informed that legal department of the CDA has hired services of around 100 lawyers to deal with the legal cases.
The committee members expressed their dismay over hefty fees paid to the lawyers while over 4,000 CDA cases were still pending before different courts. The committee members urged the CDA legal department to curtail number of lawyers and expedite work on disposal of the cases.

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