Partly Facetious: Untold wealth generates envy

25 May, 2016

"What's the expression: whatever you touch turns to dust...."
"The King Midas myth was different: whatever he touched turned to gold including food and in some versions of the myth, his daughter, and so he began to hate the gift conferred to him by a Greek god at his own request by the way... "
"Was the gold turning capacity limited to his hands alone?"
"No I think it was his entire body."
"See that just explains that we as human beings need limits, or clearly defined boundaries and when we don't have boundaries we kind of go haywire if you know what I mean."
"I actually don't know what you mean? If you are referring to the Panama leaks then let me bring it to your notice that untold wealth generates envy and in a public figure accusations are bound to follow."
"Untold as in not being told, or untold as in incalculable?"
"Don't be facetious my point is simply this: if there are limits to corruption then it keeps the system well oiled..."
"I don't get you?"
"Let me recount what someone told me when I was en route to Karachi. Bhattha (extortion) is effective if the amount is reasonable which can be written off as a small input cost and it doesn't escalate from year to year at a percentage higher than the rate of inflation. But if it doesn't, and that's the case when there are competing extortionists...."
"But what if they work for the same entity?"
"Don't distract me silly, anyway when I said whatever the ruling party is doing is turning into dust I was referring to the decision of the Punjab government to declare the start of summer holidays from 24 May and viola! Allah be praised the weather changed on the eve of 23 May and became extremely pleasant."
"Why do you see the glass as half full every time....the good weather was Allah's gift to the children of Punjab!"
"Ha ha ha, indeed."

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