Telecom import bill falls by two percent

28 May, 2016

The country's telecom import bill fell by two percent to $1.157 billion in July-April 2015-16, from $1.179 billion in July-April 2014-15, official figures say. The telecom import bill's fall stood at $21.5 million in July-April 2015-16 as compared to its import of $1.179 billion in July-April 2014-15, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics suggested. In April 2016, telecom import, however, posted a rise of 2% or $2.002 million to $110.715 million from $108.713 million in April 2015. Import of mobile phones grew by 7% or $39.564 million to $635.342 million in July-April 2015-16 from $595.778 million in July-April 2014-15.

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