French government keeps up tough line as petrol shortages ease

29 May, 2016

The French government maintained a hard line Saturday ahead of a fresh wave of protests over a bitterly-disputed labour law that has seen demonstrators blockading oil refineries and strikes paralysing the transport network. The escalating unrest, which has gathered pace over the last week sparking petrol shortages that forced the government to dip into strategic fuel reserves, comes just weeks before football fans flood into the country for the Euro 2016 championships.
At issue is a controversial labour law which the government forced through parliament without a vote aimed at freeing up France''s famously-rigid labour market and bringing down high unemployment. Unions say the changes favour companies at the expense of workers'' rights and are demanding that the new labour law be scrapped. Despite the protests, the government has remained defiant, with riot police on Friday moving in to clear blockades outside petrol depots, and President Francois Hollande vowing not to give in to union demands.
All but one of the depots were successfully unblocked, according to the transport ministry. Hollande''s tough line was echoed Saturday by Prime Minister Manuel Valls ahead of talks with bosses in the oil and transport industries, the two sectors worst hit by the protests. "My responsibility as head of government is to ensure that people can buy petrol and that businesses won''t be penalised by the blockages," he said, pledging to defend the law "to the end".
"We will continue clearing these sites with determination," he said, insisting that withdrawing the controversial law would be a "bad thing for working people". Saturday''s talks were aimed at taking stock of the petrol shortages following the partial or total closure of six of the country''s eight refineries. Several of the sites have been operating at reduced capacity due to the ongoing union action. Hoteliers and restaurateurs have reported "major cancellations" in Paris and in the west over the strikes and petrol shortages.
With most of the depot blockades cleared by police on Friday, the situation was much improved although the government said around 20 percent of petrol stations were still suffering shortages. However Transport Minister Alain Vidalies cautioned Saturday, that it was too early to say the petrol crisis had been resolved. Francis Duseux, head of the Ufip oil industry federation, saw progress: "Over the past two days the situation has considerably improved." Nonetheless further protests are expected next week with strikes expected to hit the rail network, the Paris Metro and civil aviation on Tuesday.
With petrol in short supply, many disgruntled motorists were forced to wait in long queues at service stations. Despite the disruption, polls suggest two out of three people - or 66 percent - are in favour of a withdrawal of the text "to avoid the country grinding to a halt". After a day of major protests on Thursday which authorities said brought 153,000 people on to the streets - organisers put the figure at 300,000 - the eight unions opposing to the law urged demonstrators to "step up the mobilisation".

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