Rs 800 billion PSDP envisages Rs 76 billion for CPEC projects

29 May, 2016

The Public Sector Development Programme, 2016-17 of Rs 800 billion envisages Rs 76 billion for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. The projects relating to Western Alignment under CPEC: the documents available with Business Recorder revealed that a total of Rs 42.85 billion has been proposed for next Budget-2016-17.
A total of Rs 25.11 billion has been proposed for Construction of Burhan-Hakla on M-I to D I Khan Motorway, Rs 6.6 billion for Zhob Mughal Kot 81 Km N-50, Rs 1.15 billion for Rehabilitation of D.I Khan Mughal Kot 50 Km Section N-50 (FERP Phase-II), Rs 3 billion for Widening & Improvement of N-85, Hoshab-Nag-Basima-Surab Road (459 Km), Rs 5 billion for Gwadar-Turbat-Hoshab Section (200 Km) of Gwadar-Rattodero Road (892 km) M-8 and Rs 1.96 billion for Land Acquisition, Affected Properties Compensation for Construction of Burhan-Hakla to D.I Khan Motorway for next financial year.
About Northern Alignment under CPEC: a total of Rs 14 billion has been proposed for Thakot to Havelian 120 KM (Construction) (Phase-I), Rs 5.65 billion for Construction of Burhan-Havelian Expressway (E-35) 59.1 Km and Rs 1.86 billion for Thakot to Havelian 120 Km (Land) (Phase-I).
About Gwadar Projects: federal government proposed Rs 9.5 billion for as many as nine projects including Rs 4.7 billion for Construction of Eastbay Expressway, Rs 1.5 billion for New Gwadar International Airport, Rs 1.5 billion for Necessary Facilities for Fresh Water Treatment, Water Supply & Distribution, Rs 458 million for Up-gradation of Existing 50 bed Hospital to 300 Beds, Gwadar, Rs 250 million for Pak-China Technical & Vocational Institute at Gwadar (CPEC) and Rs 250 million for Infrastructure Development for EPZA and GIEDA, Gwadar etc.
About Railways Project: a total of Rs 1.8 billion has been proposed for six development projects for Railways including, Rs 1.17 billion for Doubling /Improvement of Existing Track from Port Qasim to Bin Qasim Station, Rs 300 million Rehabilitation/Up-gradation of ML-I including Acquisition of Land for New Dry Port at Buldhair, District Haripur, Rs 125 million for (i) PC-II for Feasibility Study to Connect Gwadar with Karachi, (ii) Gwadar to Jacobabad via Basima under CPEC and Rs 166 million for Feasibility Studies for Updation of Existing Main Line-II (ML-II) from Havelian to Jacobabad via Bhakkar, Kundian, Daud Khail, Basal, Taxila in connection with CPEC etc for next financial year.
Similarly, a total of Rs 290 million has been proposed for three other projects under CPEC including Rs 230 million for Construction of Cross-Border OFC System between China and Pakistan for International Connectivity of Voice/Data Traffic (SCO), Rs 50 million for Provision of Seamless GSM Coverage along KKH for Proposed Gwadar-Kashghar Economic Corridor in Gilgit Baltistan (SCO) and Rs 10 million for Pak-China Year for Friendly Exchanges Programme (CPEC).

CPEC Projects
Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
Western Alignment CPEC
1 Construction of Burhan-Hakla on M-I to 124,208 25,108
D.I. Khan Motorway (CPEC)
2 Land Acquisition, Affected Properties 11,973 1,959
Compensation for Construction of Burhan
Hakla to D.I. Khan Motorway
3 Gwadar -Turbat -Hoshab Section (200 23,169 5,000
km) of Gwadar -Ratodero Road (892 km) M-8
4 Widening & Improvement of N-85, Hoshab- 22,412 3,000
Nag -Basima - Surab Road (459 km)
5 Zhob Mughal Kot 81 Km N-50 9,100 6,630
6 Rehabilitation of D.I Khan Mughal Kot 50 4,026 1,150
km Section N-50 (FERP Phase-II)

Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
Northern Alignment CPEC
7 Construction of Burhan-Havelian 39,494 5,651
Expressway (E-35) 59.1 Km
8 Thakot to Havelian 120 KM 136,660 14,000
(Construction) (Phase-I) (CPEC)
9 Thakot to Havelian 120 KM (Land) (Phase-I) (CPEC) 6,858 1,858

Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
Gwadar Projects
1 Construction of Eastbay Expressway 14,062 4,700
2 New Gwadar International Airport 22,948 1,500
3 Capital Dredging of Berthing Areas & 2,800 300
Channel for Additional Terminal (CPEC)
4 Feasibility Study for Construction of Break 300 300
Waters (CPEC)
5 Necessary Facilities for Fresh Water 11,396 1,500
Treatment, Water Supply & Distribution
6 Up-gradation of Existing 50 Bed Hospital 9,968 458
to 300 Beds, Gwadar (CPEC)
7 Pak-China Technical & Vocational Institute 984 250
at Gwadar (CPEC)

Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
8 Construction/Black Topping of Access 184 100
Road from Makran Coastal Highway to
New Gwadar International Airport
9 Infrastructure Development for EPZA and 3,450 250
GIEDA, Gwadar (CPEC)
10 132 KV Sub Stations at Deep Sea Port 909 150
Gwadar (QESCO)
11 132 KV Sub Stations at Down Town, 962 5
Gwadar (CPEC)
12 Pre-Feasibility -Installation of 300 MW 20 20
Coal Fired Power Plant at Gwadar (CPEC)

Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
Railways Projects
1 (i) PC-II for Feasibility Study to Connect 136 125
Gwadar with Karachi
(ii) Gwadar to Jacobabad via Basima
under CPEC
2 Rehabilitation/Up-gradation of ML-I 300 300
including Acquisition of Land for New
Dry Port at Buldhair, District Haripur
3 Comprehensive Feasibility Study for 390 28
Upgradation/Rehabilitation of Mainline 1
(ML-I) and New Dry Port at Havelian
(Buldhair) District Haripur
4 Doubling/Improvement of Existing Track from 1,568 1,168
Port Qasim to Bin Qasim Station (CPEC)

Rs Million
S No Sector/Project Cost Proposed
Other Projects
1 Construction of Cross - Border OFC 4,341 230
System Between China and Pakistan For
International Connectivity of Voice /
Data Traffic (SCO)
2 Provision of Seamless GSM Coverage 1,240 50
along KKH for Proposed Gawadar -
Kashighar Economic Corridor in Gilgit
Baltistan (SCO)
3 Pak-China Year of Friendly Exchanges 100 10
Programme (CPEC)

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