Rabbani elected life time fellow of forum of federation

29 May, 2016

Forum of Federation, a worldwide body having all countries' practicing federalism as members, has elected Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani as its life time fellow. After the 18th Amendment, Senator Rabbani pioneered Pakistan's membership of the Forum and remained member of its Board of Directors for two years.
A letter written by the Board to Rabbani, states, "This exemplary contribution of the Forum, is highlighted by your support in building the work of the Forum in Pakistan and across the globe, representing Pakistan at the International Conference on Federalism in Addis Ababa in 2010, championing the process of Pakistan's membership to the Forum, contributing your unrivalled knowledge and expertise to Forum events and your contribution to various Forum projects.
"Significantly, your leadership as a board member and ambassador of the Forum in Pakistan has fostered strong relationships and strengthened our partnership with various stakeholders in the country. "In light of your contribution to the Forum and the cause of federalism, I am pleased to inform that you have been elected Fellow of the Forum for life. It is this organisations highest accolade. You are the sixth Fellow elected to the organisation since its founding in 1998. "Once again I thank you for your exemplary service to the Forum. We very much looking forward to continuing our close and special relationship with you into the future."

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