Admiral Zakaullah meets Flag Officer Fleet South African Navy

29 May, 2016

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, who is on an official visit to South Africa, called on Flag Officer Fleet of South African Navy, Rear Admiral Bubele Kitie Mhlana, here on Saturday. Upon arrival at Fleet Command HQs, the Admiral was received by Flag Officer Fleet. A ceremonial guard of honour was presented on the occasion.
During the meeting with Flag Officer Fleet of South African Navy, matters of mutual interest and bilateral naval collaboration were discussed. Admiral Zakaullah also highlighted Pakistan's commitment and performance in fight against terrorism including participation in Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP) and Counter Piracy Operations.
Flag Officer of Fleet of South African Navy, Rear Admiral Bubele Kitie Mhlana lauded Pakistan Navy efforts and focused commitments in support of collaborative maritime security in the region. Rear Admiral Bubele Kitie Mhlana said that Pakistan, as a responsible state, is playing a pivotal role for maritime security and stability, which has greatly helped in shaping a secure environment for freedom of navigation in the region.-PR

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