Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister, Abdul Jabbar Khan said that the PPP always serves people without any discrimination of caste, creed and colour. It is our responsibility to provide basic utilities to every nook and cranny of the province.
This he said during an operation conducted to remove iron plates from drinking water pipelines which installed by culprits to stop water supply to the other areas.
He added that such practices are carried out to defame the Pakistan People's Party government but Miscreants will never be successful in their conspiracies. The PPP lives in hearts of people.
He informed that strict action will be taken against those culprits who are involved in placing iron plates in water pipelines to stop the supply to other areas. They will soon bring to justice.
Abdul Jabbar Khan was accompanied with the officials of the HDA, WASA and district government. He asked the people to complain about any illegal activity in their areas, we will take rapid action against them.