National Centre for Rehabilitation of Child Labour and Orphans was set up at Jamrud in Khyber Agency on Monday. Managing Director, Pakistan Bait Ul Mal (PBM) Barrister Abid Waheed Sheikh was chief guest at inaugural ceremony, which was attended by the elders and tribal chiefs of the tribal agency. MNA Shahji Gul Afridi, Senator Taj Muhammad Afridi, Director PBM Peshawar Syed Abu Al Qasim Gillani and APA Jamrud Saif Ul Islam and other officials were also present.
Shahji Gul Afridi donated solar panels for provision of electricity and computers for the children of the said Centre. While speaking on the occasion, Abid Waheed Sheikh said that Pakistan Baitul Mall (PBM) was a special gift for the poor and needy people of Pakistan by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif since 1992. "Helping the poor and marginalized masses is top most priority of Pakistan Baitul Mall for which all the available resources will be utilised," he said adding that the PBM was striving hard for the brighter future of the orphan children to make them useful citizens of the country.
He said that the dream of prosperity and development couldn't be achieved without focusing on the youth. Later on, he distributed cheques among 50 poor persons of the area. Special prayers were offered for the recovery of ailing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by Maulana Sher Muhammad and other participants.