Meritorious students given cash awards

01 Jun, 2016

Twenty meritorious students of the University College for Boys, University of Peshawar (UoP) were given cash awards of rupees 20 thousand each in a ceremony held at the college conference hall. Vice Chancellor UoP Prof Dr Muhammad Rasul Jan was the chief guest of the event. He was accompanied by Registrar Dr Syed Fazl I Hadi and Principal of the College Nadeem Azam.
The students have got A-1 grades in the board examination and got admission to the professional colleges of the province. On the occasion, the Principal of the college presented the performance report of the institution. He said that the college was established in 2010 and in short span of six years is considered as one of the best colleges of the province. He added that his team was aiming high to make it a college equivalent to the level of Islamia and Aitchison College in the years to come.
Vice Chancellor UoP Prof Dr Muhammad Rasul Jan termed the achievement of the students as a step in the right direction towards achieving academic excellence and congratulated the parents and teachers for their contribution as well. He added that college education is the gateway to professional and higher education so quality input in these institutions was imperative for overall grooming of the students. Dr Jan underlined that all the resources at hand will be on the disposal of the College to enable them to become premier institution of the country. He added the regularisation of the college faculty was under process and will be made in due course of time.

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