Saudi Arabia sentences 14 to death for terrorism

02 Jun, 2016

Saudi Arabia sentenced 14 people to death for terrorism on Wednesday after they were convicted of attacks on police in the Shia Muslim minority area of Qatif in the Eastern Province, scene of past anti-government protests, their lawyer said. Another nine people were given jail sentences of three to 15 years and one was acquitted, their defence lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, told Reuters.
The sentences could further deepen resentment among the kingdom's Shias, some of whom already complaining of discrimination in the predominantly Western-allied Sunni Muslim country. Saudi Arabia denies any discrimination. Arabiya TV said the charges had included opening fire on security forces and civilians, causing several deaths and destruction of property. They were also accused of peddling drugs and armed robbery against shops and cars.
The defence lawyer said he intended to appeal the rulings. The 24 defendants - most in their 20s - had been held for about four years and accused of carrying weapons and shooting at police, he said. During 2011-14 protests, around 20 Shias and several police officers were killed. A spokesman for the Saudi justice ministry could not immediately be reached for a comment on the report, first broadcast by the Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV.

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