Two killed in California campus shooting

02 Jun, 2016

Two people were shot dead on Wednesday at the University of California's Los Angeles campus, prompting a lockdown of the massive facility as police searched for a possible shooter. "We have confirmation of two people killed for now," police spokeswoman Jenny Houser told AFP. Officials said the two victims, both males, were found inside Boelter Hall, which is part of the school of engineering, located in the center of the campus.
"It is possible one of the victims is the shooter," James Herren, head of the UCLA police department, told reporters, saying the possibility of a murder-suicide had not been ruled out. "What we know is that a shooting happened," Captain Andy Neiman, of the Los Angeles police department, earlier told reporters. "The message to everybody on campus is to shelter in place. "Lock yourself in a safe place until authorities can get to you or provide you a message that it's safe to come out." Police said the shooting was reported shortly before 10 am, prompting a campus-wide lockdown.

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