A frustrating drive to work

03 Jun, 2016

My workplace is situated at Bin Qasim industrial area. Every day, going to work is a challenge as my travel route is through the Malir Road which nowadays has been partially closed off for repairs. I have been forced to leave the house much earlier, simply because I end up spending extra time while stuck in a dreadful traffic jam on the Malir Road. Cars are moving bumper to bumper, thus barely leaving any room to even stand. The prevalence of potholes along with mud and water results in the pace of such traffic to move extremely slowly. All this, combined with the exposure to exhaust fumes as well as the constant threat of getting mugged, is highly draining, leaving me in no condition to do anything else.
Crime on the road is also a major hazard as muggings, mobile snatchings and robberies are common and the travelling public is helpless.
I appeal to the authorities concerned to take stock of the situation. Repairs have been taking place for quite some time now; it is high time that the road is cleared and the gaps in them are fixed so that commuters are able to reach their workplaces on time and in peace.

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