Two dead in Spain coach crash

06 Jun, 2016

Two drivers died and four others were seriously injured Sunday when a bus carrying mostly foreigners rammed into a broken down truck in southern Spain, emergency services officials said. The coach carrying 55 passengers, 45 of whom were slightly injured, collided with the truck at around 3am (0100 GMT) near the town of Montoro in Cordoba province, a local police spokesman said.
The two drivers of the bus, both Spanish nationals, were killed in the accident, local emergency services said in a statement. The passengers included 31 Moroccans, two Singaporeans and one national each from Mauritania, Ecuador, the United States, Romania, the Ivory Coast and Colombia. The bus was travelling from the port of Algeciras, which has regular ferry connections to Morocco, to Madrid. The two drivers of the truck were standing at the side of the highway during the accident and were not hurt.
Thirteen students were killed and dozens more injured in Spain in March when the driver of their coach lost control and crashed into an oncoming car in the north-eastern region of Catalonia as they returned from a festival.

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