Trump says he wouldn't redecorate the White House

06 Jun, 2016

The five letters of his last name boldly adorn buildings around the United States. But if he makes it to the White House, Donald Trump says he won't be doing much redecorating.
"No, I wouldn't... it's a special place and building," the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told CNN in remarks aired Sunday.
So no big Trump sign atop the storied house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that has been home to all American presidents since John Adams in 1800?
"It will be beautiful, well maintained," the real estate mogul said. "I'm going to be working. I'm not going to be decorating."
"I'm going to make the country rich again and make our country great again," he added.
The billionaire also said that, if he wins the November 8 election, he has no plans to move into a hotel he is building just blocks away.
"No, the White House represents something so important," he said.

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