Kurram-Tangi Dam Wapda, FWO-Descon sign MoU on Construction

08 Jun, 2016

KP Governor Engr Iqbal Zafar Jhagra has said that mega development projects in this region would not only accelerate economic related activities in Fata and the province besides expediting process of economic development in tribal areas and leads to prosperity of tribal people. He was addressing the MoU signing ceremony of the Kurram Tangi Dam Project between Wapda and FWO-Descon here at Governor House on Tuesday.
The MoU was signed by Brigadier Mohammad Sultan from FWO and GM Wapda North, Saleem Qureshi. Besides, Chief Secretary KP, Amjad Ali Khan, Chairman Wapda, Muzafar Mahmood, DG, FWO Major General Mohammad Afzal, ACS Fata, Muhammad Aslam Kamboh, tribal elders, officials of FATA secretariat and others were also present on the occasion.
While addressing the ceremony the governor said, "Development of Fata is actually Development of Pakistan. He said Kurram Tangi Dam is multipurpose project aiming at contribution the objectives of Government of Pakistan under Wapda's Vision 2025 in water, power and socio-economic sector. It is an important project benefiting the people of North Waziristan Agency, Bannu, Lakki Marrwat and Karak districts of KP, he added. Governor said that on completion, the project would contribute on poverty alleviation, socio-economic uplift of the people with meager sources of living.
This project will generate the 83.4MW electricity which will be utilized in this area, as well as the 1.2 million acre feet water of Kurram Tangi Dam will be helpful for cultivation of land of Fata, he added. He said tribal people suffered a lot due to extremism and militancy and paid a heavy price for the maintenance of peace and stability in the region. He stated that the incumbent government was committed to alleviate poverty, backwardness and reduce the sense of deprivation among tribal people.
The governor said that the government was well aware of the problems and difficulties of tribal people and every step would be taken to utilize all available resources for their complete rehabilitation. He said no efforts would be spared to ensure the dignified return of TDPs and their rehabilitation adding that steps are being taken to bring the tribal people into mainstream, so that they could actively participate in the development of Pakistan. DG FWO, Major General Mohammad Afzal and Chairman Wapda also addressed the ceremony.

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