Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) on Tuesday claimed to have sealed four sub-standard bottled drinking water factories at Modal Colony in Karachi's district Malir. According to the PSQCA spokesman, the team members headed by Bashir Ahmed Unnar, Deputy Director Conformity Assistant of Standards Development Centre caught sub-standard unlicensed mineral water samples from factories. The team caught unlicensed sub-standard bottled drinking water brands manufacturing in the factories and sealed them on the spot.
Tahir Water, Dame Water, Snow Spring and Due More were the companies sealed by the authority, he said. The Director General, PSQCA Muhammad Khalid Siddiq has asked producers and manufacturers to display PSQCA logo on their products failing which the Authority will take action under the rules. The Authority has observed with concern that even some of the companies registered with it are not complying with the requirement. It had also sent a letter to all producers of food items to apply for registration with the PSQCA failing which they would be facing action by the authority.