Fine imposed on 138 profiteers

09 Jun, 2016

Special Price Control Magistrates have imposed fines of Rs 1,83500 to the 138 profiteers during the campaign against the profiteering and hoardings on first Ramzan. According to the details the Price Control Magistrates of the district raided on 108 different markets and checked the prices on 280 shops. They found that 138 shopkeepers were charging over prices from the consumers and they were fined on the spot.
The Special Price Magistrates arrested 11 profiteers involved in serious violations of Food Stuff Act and cases had also been got registered against them with the concerned police stations. Meanwhile, AC City Blawal Abru arrested eight persons who were violating the Ehtram-e-Ramazan Ordinance. The accused included Abdul Razaq, Abdul Raheem, Muhammad Sajjad, Iqrar Hussain, Farzand Ali, Ahmad Raza, Younis and Sajid have been given to the custody of the police. They were running hotels and food centres during the fasting timings.

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