Secrete agencies, policemen: Sindh CM approves Rs 100 million reward

10 Jun, 2016

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has said that some vested interest and criminal elements want to create law and order situation in the city but "I would not allow anybody to shed water on the sacrifices of our law enforcement agencies' personnel who have restored peace in the province in general and in Karachi in particular with their blood, therefore they must be dealt strictly".
This, he said, while talking to IGP AD Khwaja who called on him here at the CM House on Thursday. The chief minister directed the IGP that some people are again trying to give strike calls and stage sit-in just to show their power. "I am quite happy that Karachiites ignored their strike call", he said.
Inspector General of Police AD Khwaja briefing the chief minister said that he has sent him a summary of Rs 100 million reward for police and secret agencies. "The chief minister said that those who have done a wonderful job must be given reward," he said and asked him how much amount would be given to spy agencies and the police, the IGP said 70 percent of the total amount of Rs 100 million would go to agencies and 30 percent to the policemen. The chief minister approved the summary.
The IG told the chief minister that the services of 993 policemen have been terminated because of their illegal appointments. 'The chief minister directed the IGP to constitute a committee to scrutinise the credentials of the removed policemen. "I am of the opinion that those who have proper qualification may be considered for reappointment or restoration of their services because we need a lot of people to induct them in the police force", he said. The IGP told the chief minister that he was working hard to change culture of police stations. The chief minister appreciated the efforts of the IG police and directed him to bring street crime to zero level.

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