Labour rights & protection: detailed report on formulation, notification, enforcement sought

10 Jun, 2016

Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad Khokhar, Senior Advisor (Law) /Grievance Commissioner for Overseas Pakistan to Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan has issued letter in pursuance of the directions of M Salman Faruqui, Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan to Secretaries Labour, Health, Mines & Mineral, Directors General Environment of Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan Chief Commissioner Islamabad to submit detailed report on formulation, notification and enforcement of labour rights and protection.
Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad Khokhar, Senior Advisor (Law)/ Grievance Commissioner for Overseas Pakistan to Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan said that presently Pakistan has about 61 million labour force out of which 57 million (94%) is employed having 24 million (42%) is engaged in agriculture while 33 million (58%) is in non-agriculture which consist of 24 million (72%)in informal sector and only 9 million (28%) in formal sector. Therefore, proper attention should be given by the Government Departments.
Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad Khokhar, Senior Advisor (Law) / Grievance Commissioner for Overseas Pakistan to Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan stated that it is pathetic that every year more than 2.3 million workers met with occupational diseases/injuries. 48% of such incidents took place in agriculture sector while 52% in non-agriculture sector. 85% of these incidents are from informal sector. He said that the overall situation revels that there is lack of coherent and comprehensive law with general applicability on all sectors of economy including agriculture and informal economy. Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad Khokhar, Senior Advisor (Law) / Grievance Commissioner for Overseas Pakistan to Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan said that the relevant departments are thus required to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure effective implementation and enforcement of labour rights and protections provided by the law and submit the report to Federal Ombudsman Secretariat.
He said directions has been issued to all departments to submit report to Federal Ombudsman Secretariat which should include time bound Plan with relevant information, Statistics of Mine Workers, Re-designing of questionnaire of labour force survey, Legislation on Occupational Safety and Health, Inspection of current and retired workers for development of health profile for each worker, Dissemination of information regarding labour rights and Universal Access Number (UAN) for complaints, Development of dedicated web site, Development of media campaign, Development of silicosis standard, Formulation, notification and enforcement of transparency standard and detailed monitoring and evaluation system.-PR

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