Replication of Turk KOSGEB model for SME: consultations under way to send Punjab government team to Turkey

10 Jun, 2016

According to the vision of Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif to replicate the Turk KOSGEB model for SME and skill development in the province of the Punjab, active consultations are underway to send the delegation of Punjab Government to visit Turkey in August.
During the visit, a comprehensive survey of KOSGEB model will be carried out for implementation across the province of the Punjab. The delegation consist of Industries Department, TEVTA, PSIC, SMEDA and academia will visit Turkey for a comprehensive survey to promote entrepreneurship development, access to capital, SME policies and establishment of business incubation centres in Punjab. Chairperson TEVTA Irfan Qaiser Sheikh was addressing the members of committee to review the progress to implement the KOSGEB model at TEVTA Secretariat here on Thursday.
This meeting was attended by Former Ambassador for Turkey Haroon Shaukat, Chief Operating Officer TEVTA Jawad Ahmed Qureshi, General Manager SMEDA Shaharyar Khan, Managing Director PSIC Bilal Butt, Deputy Secretary (Commerce) Industries Department Rubab Afshah, and others attended the meeting. Irfan Qaiser Sheikh said that the delegation during visit will study the KOSGEB model in terms of Turkish policy orientation & understanding of broader framework of KOSGEB`s SME development programmes, skill development programs, entrepreneurship trainings, functioning of incubation centres and meeting with the successful entrepreneurs so that the same model should be replicated in Punjab province.
Chairperson TEVTA further said that 30 trainers of TEVTA will also be sent to Turkey for entrepreneurial training. It was decided that Managing Director PSIC Bilal Butt will take the lead in the entire exercise and correspond with KOSGEB. In order to get the growth targets, TEVTA is providing loan through Akhuwat to its graduates to setup small businesses. All these efforts are being made to make TEVTA pass-outs to start their own business successfully by adopting international level standards, he concluded.

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